Despite the fact there are some people who may claim that all network marketing is a scam, the truth is that there are fair companies you can choose from. But if you want to find a good network marketing company, you need to know what to look for and what to avoid. It is important to be aware of features that good company has to be sure the choice we make is going to be the right choice for us.
To begin with, you need to look at the individuals that founded the company. They should be not only experienced in the industry, but they should not have any connections with untrustworthy companies as well. It is important to see who is behind the operations and ensure it is not a rotating team of founders who recycle their MLM setup in an effort to get fast income.
When you know who operates the company, the next area to look at when you are exploring a good network marketing business is the company itself. You should ensure that the company has a physical headquarters and it is not seriously in debt. The unfortunate truth is there are many cheats that want you to make a bank transfer to join them and that is the last you hear from the company.
The next thing you should look at are the products or services being the foundation of the company. This should be something there is a demand for and the results need to be proven. It is worth to try some of the products before you even join the company to get a feeling for how effective they are for you, so that you can ensure that you know how to properly promote the product. At the same time, you have to be realistic about the approach you take. If the products are for natural feminine hygiene and you are a guy looking to promote them, you are not going to have a great deal of success.
Afterwards, when you have determined the products or services are appropriate for you to sell, it can be time to look at the compensation plan. You should be sure that you can maximize your earnings thanks to it. It is also critical to be certain that it is a system that allows you to make a fair amount of money for your efforts along with the efforts of building your team.
Finally, a significant thing to look at is the training system. This together with the support system offered after training and the marketing tools are important part of any good network marketing plan. If you are not confident with these items, you may want to look elsewhere.
Remember, while no company can guarantee you millions, you should have the confidence that you can make money and possibly a career in any program you join.
A scam – oszustwo
Fair – uczciwy
To look for something – poszukiwać czegoś
To make a choice – dokonywać wyboru
To look at something – przyglądać się czemuś
To Begin with – na początek
To found a company – zakładać firmę
To be experienced in something – mieć w czymś doświadczenie
To explore – poszukiwać, badać
A setup – ustawienie, struktura
An income – przychód
To operate a company – kierować firmą
Headquarters – siedziba firmy
To ensure – upewniać się
To be in debt – być zadłużonym
Make a bank transfer – robić przelew bankowy
To be a foundation of something – być podstawą, fundamentem czegoś
A demand for something – zapotrzebowanie na coś
Something needs to be proven – coś musi zostać sprawdzone, udowodnione
To try something – próbować czegoś
To join the company – dołączać do firmy
At the same time – w tym samym czasie
To take approach to something – obrać stosunek do czegoś
To have a great deal of success – odnieść wiele sukcesów
Appropriate – odpowiedni
Afterwards – następnie
A compensation – wyrównanie, wynagrodzenie, odszkodowanie
To allow somebody to do something – pozwalać komuś na zrobienie czegoś
Certain – pewny
An effort – wysiłek
Along with – razem, wraz z
Significant – ważny
A support – wsparcie
Training – szkolenie, trening
To have the confidence – mieć pewność
To make a career – robić karierę
To make money – zarabiać pieniądze
MLM Business English opracowała red. Raisa Chudek